Where Your Money Goes

Thanks to your generosity, the Give for the Gorge program provides a sustainable, reliable source of funding for groups working in three important focus areas: conservation, food security and housing.

Examples of what your your contribution supports:

  • Old-growth forest protection

  • Clean drinking water

  • Food donations to hungry families

  • Farmland conservation

  • Job training for disadvantaged youth

  • Advocacy for affordable housing

  • River clean-ups, trail building and much more 

Learn more about the groups putting your dollars to work, and some of the projects your support is funding.

Columbia Land Trust

Columbia Land Trust works to conserve and care for the vital lands, waters, and wildlife of the Columbia River region through sound science and strong relationships. Learn more at columbialandtrust.org.

Photo Credit: Columbia Land Trust

Columbia Riverkeeper

Columbia Riverkeeper works to protect, restore, and care for the Columbia River. Our team of scientists, environmental lawyers, and community organizers work to organize and empower local communities, enforce environmental laws, and build strategic coalitions to protect and restore the Columbia River and our climate. Learn more at columbiariverkeeper.org.

Photo Credit: Steven Patenaude

Friends of the Columbia Gorge

Friends of the Columbia Gorge works to protect, preserve, and steward the Columbia Gorge. For over four decades, we have successfully advocated to protect the Gorge from irresponsible development, purchased scenic and sensitive lands for long-term preservation, and worked with community partners to foster a larger culture of Gorge stewardship by connecting thousands of students and volunteers to the Gorge’s wonders. Learn more at gorgefriends.org.

Gorge Grown Food Network

Founded in 2006, Gorge Grown Food Network’s mission is to build a resilient and inclusive food system that improves the health and well-being of our community. We serve the five rural counties of the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon and Washington, including Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Klickitat and Skamania. We estimate that we serve 60,000 people a year through our farmers markets and other programs. Learn more at gorgegrown.com.

Photo Credit: Gorge Grown Food Network

Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC)

Photo Credit: Mid-Columbia Community Action Council

The mission of MCCAC is to build a better future for our community through partnerships and equity-centered programs that prevent and eliminate poverty and houselessness. MCCAC provides utilities assistance, weatherization, rental assistance, outreach, homeless services, and housing case management. In 2022, MCCAC served over 4,000 people across our service area. Learn more at mccac.com.

The Next Door Inc. (TNDI)

The Next Door is a social service hub whose goal is to strengthen children and families in the Columbia Gorge region. Through our programs, we provide a safety net for children at risk of abuse and neglect; parenting support and education; mentoring, education, and treatment for high-risk youth and families; leadership opportunities and economic development in our communities; and health and wellness education and advocacy. Learn more at nextdoorinc.org.

Thrive Hood River

Our mission is to protect Hood River's farmland, forests, wild places, and the livability of its cities and rural communities. We envision a future where Hood River County’s natural resources and community values are preserved and protected for generations to come. Our three guiding values are: 1. Land is a resource for all, 2. Everyone deserves a great community, and 3. Together, we can shape the future of our county. Learn more at thrivehoodriver.org.

Photo Credit: Warren Morgan

Give for the Gorge Project Map

Click the numbers on the map to learn about projects your funds are supporting.
Click on the symbol on the upper left side of the map to see the list of projects.

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